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Press release - Hypergrowth Awards

News Rise Partners
7 min of reading
16 Mar 2022

Rise Partners has awarded its first Hypergrowth Awards to 4 startups in the SOUTH region

Four startups were awarded: Pollustock, Seecly, Trust Place and Go Mecano that stood out for their rapid growth in 2021 and their ability to raise funds.

To face their hypergrowth, startups need to be accompanied and supported. For more than 2 years, Rise Partners has been helping innovative companies to accelerate and finance themselves.

After its START and SCALE programs, which support and finance high-potential young companies, Rise Partners has launched a new initiative that puts the spotlight on the region's startups: the Hypergrowth Trophies, the first edition of which took place on March 10, 2022 in Sophia Antipolis.

An event that gives a spotlight
on startups in the South region

The mission of the Hypergrowth Trophies is to
highlight startups that are rapidly creating value and jobs in the Southern region. They also aim to unite the region's players around an entrepreneurial ecosystem that benefits innovative startups.

Organized by Rise Partners, in partnership with Région Sud Investissement, French Tech, Novelliance, KPMG, La Tribune, and Techmind, the event brought together investors, business angels, investment funds, family offices, entrepreneurs, and startups from the South region.

Focus on the winners of the Innovation Awards


GOMECANO.com is the only national platform
offering a centralized service of mechanics at home.
Regardless of the location of individuals,
GOMENACO.com intervenes on demand to best meet their needs. GOMECANO. com offers complete and diverse services such as repair, maintenance, troubleshooting, and tires.

GOMECANO.com has set itself the mission of organizing the work of
independent mechanics, and provides them with a web platform that manages their interventions for them at
. The platform allows mechanics to find customers, manage quotes, appointments, spare parts logistics and billing. GOMENACO.com's objectives do not stop there, as the network also aims to support and train mechanics

GOMECANO has finalized its second round of financing, amounting to 2 million euros. Supported by Région Sud Investissement and Rise Partners, the company's objective is to expand nationally, after a successful launch in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, as well as in the Lille and Paris regions.


Founded in 2009 by Stéphane Asikian, Pollustock is an impact company that offers innovative solutions to communities, cities, and industries, allowing them to control pollutants in all their forms.

With more than 300 anti-waste nets and thousands of booms already installed throughout France and Europe, Pollustock actively and effectively contributes to the preservation of the seas and oceans.

Thanks to its anti-litter nets, more than 150 tons of garbage are recovered every year... and this figure will continue to increase in the months and years to come!

Recognized as a driving force of the GREEN ECONOMY by WWF France, Pollustock is today part of the innovative companies that supports companies and communities in their prevention and environmental responsibility objectives.

Today, it is a key player in the
environmental protection sector, which has concluded a round of financing worth €800,000 from business angels.

The objective: To deploy the whole activity at
national and European level.


Founded in 2019 by Pauline Marmoyet, Seecly is
a marketplace for second-hand eyewear brands approved by social security and mutual insurance companies.

The observation? 100 million glasses are sleeping in the
drawers of the French. While the time is ripe for a circular economy
, Seecly offers you to sell your
frames or to buy your future glasses at a competitive price

Once the frame is sold, Pauline and her team
of certified opticians take care of restoring it to its original condition and, if necessary, to the buyer's view.

With already more than 3,000 references of sunglasses and optical frames, Seecly offers a vast catalog of second-hand frames online in France.

More than a simple Marketplace, Seecly is a new
market in full explosion.


Trust-Place is a company specialized in
digital authentication of luxury items. Trust-Place helps protect brands and their consumers by
offering a Digital Certificate of Ownership, a
authentication using
blockchain technologies to protect the value of the item, its
history and facilitate its transmission in full confidence.

Trust-Place's mission is to rebuild trust
between brands and their consumers. Indeed, when an item is resold online, there is no traceability and the contact is lost: the buyer does not know the real origin of the product and can doubt the authentication of the item. The brand, on the other hand, does not have access to all of its consumers.

Trust-Place helps to recreate this unique bond by building trust in the transmission of items. This year, Trust-Place has raised funds with the support of Rise Partners

Rise Partners' mission: to help companies grow with confidence

Since 2019, Rise Partners provides
consulting services to innovative companies. Its co-founders,
Jonathan Laroussinie, Delphine Garcia, David Chapon and Yohan Aimard, are at once advisors, coaches and
facilitators of connections.

Their complementary areas of expertise
allow them to help entrepreneurs make
decisions on their governance, financial and marketing strategy, or their work/life balance.

In order to offer personalized support to
each startup, the co-founders of Rise Partners have surrounded themselves with a team of more than 35 mentors, all entrepreneurs and each an expert in a specific field
: retail, IT, digital, finance, food tech,
innovation, product marketing and strategy, etc.

Mentors are chosen according to the industry and the problematic of each startup

START and SCALE, Rise Partners' two support programs


Launched in March 2021, the START program is dedicated to
startups that are at an early stage of development.
It aims to help project holders structure,
finance and launch innovative startups with
high potential in 3 months. At the end of the 3 months, the entrepreneurs
are invited to present their project to a committee of
public, institutional and private financiers. Access to the
program is by competition.


Since 2019, SCALE includes several dimensions, which aim to enroll startups in a dynamic
of hypergrowth, with executive and financial support, digital and technological expertise, and a
coaching mindset aimed at maintaining and enhancing Human capital. The program also offers "à la carte" services for entrepreneurs who wish to focus on one or more key issues, depending on their current situation.

An opportunity to celebrate other events

The Hypergrowth Trophies were also an opportunity to announce new projects: the Impact program, to help startups adapt to the new environmental situation, and the International program to help them conquer new markets. They also saw the signing of a strategic partnership with the Sud Investissement region, the announcement of the launch of the Scale-Up Club with the French Tech Côte d'Azur, and the development of a new partnership with the French Industry Forces.

To learn more, please click on the heading of your choice:

- Impact Program :

- International Program :

- South Region Investment Partnership

- FrenchTech Partnership :

- Partnership French Industry Force :

Portrait of the four partners of Rise Partners

Jonathan Laroussinie

Jonathan Laroussinie began his career in the
strategy and information systems consultancy for large groups before creating his own firm. He joined Sony Ericsson in 2009 as Director of Customer Relations, and was then appointed Director of Customer Marketing for Sony Corporation. Five years later, he left the group to create Audience+, a CRM publisher and mobile marketing pioneer, which later merged with the European group Qwanplify, where Jonathan became CEO.

In 2019, he decided to leave his position to invest in innovation by co-founding Rise Partners. Jonathan has been Vice President of Sophia Business Angels, and he lectures in Corporate Finance at EDHEC. He has also created several investment vehicles dedicated to high growth companies
, the main one being Rise Invest.

David Chapon

David Chapon is a graduate of Rennes School of Business and the University of Southampton. He has worked in several large groups and startups in the new technologies and entertainment sector. He then consolidated his experience in marketing, digital and partnerships by taking over the direction of innovation at Sony Mobile, then becoming Chief Digital Officer of the group.

In 2019, he co-founded Rise Partners and has since been involved in supporting startups in their strategic and operational needs in Marketing, digital, innovation and communication.

Yohan Aimard

Yohan Aimard holds a degree in Human Sciences from the University of Montpellier III and is certified by the Greater Good Science Center of the University of Berkeley. For the past 17 years, he has been a professional in
coaching. Initially a physical and mental trainer, he then specialized in executive mindset coaching and the development of human capital in companies.

At Rise Partners, he adopts a holistic and humanistic approach
, resolutely focused on
action, which allows him to help companies
maintain a balance between their personal and professional life
and to create a positive "mindset". He
also intervenes to optimize the experience
employees and in the recruitment phases.

Delphine Garcia

Garcia is a graduate of the University of Montpellier II and holds a PhD in science. She began her
career working in the field of
research. She then specialized in
space technology transfer operations, to
switch, in the 2000s, to the financing of

Formerly in charge of innovation financing
at Bpifrance, Delphine joined Rise Partners in
as a co-founder where she is involved in
financial engineering for all

Contacts presse
Sarah Lefebvre - Chargée de communication
Temps de lecture

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